Mother Teresa remained an enigma all her life. The words shared by Dr. Tarun Praharaj – the cardiologist, who treated Mother Teresa, may throw some light on ‘Human Mother Teresa’ behind and beyond the legend.
Dr. Praharaj started treating the Mother after she had a massive heart attack in the year 1993. Together with Dr Patricia Aubanel, Dr. Praharaj did an angiography. While mother was an enigma, an emblem of divinity and the God to Dr. Praharaj, Mother on the other hand, shared the tender ‘Mother and Son’ bond with him.
Mother Teresa has been officially known as a Saint after Pope Francis canonizes Mother Teresa at the Vatican on September 4th, 2016. Thousands of her followers and pilgrims thronged St. Peter’s Square for the canonization of Mother Teresa, who cared only for the world’s downtrodden, poor and the most unwanted ones.
Pope Francis declared Mother Teresa a saint at the Mass. However; for the legion of her followers the title is just a mere formality. For them Mother Teresa has been the Hindu goddess for years. To quote Dr. Praharaj – “She was like a god. She was very simple and very kind-hearted. I will never see anyone like her again in my lifetime.”