Yes. Obesity Increases the Risk for Heart Diseases

It’s complicated indeed when it comes to the relationship between extra weight and heart failure. As a matter of fact; obesity has a deep seated connection with multiple health conditions, which includes but not limited to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood cholesterol.

Obesity or more precisely extra weight increases the risk for heart disease and heart attacks.

There is no denying obesity stands as a growing metabolic disorder affecting not only the US population but affecting the developing world as well. Obesity is associated with a number of aspects including several forms of heart disease.


Well; it’s complicated when it comes to the relationship between extra weight and heart failure. As a matter of fact; obesity has a deep seated connection with multiple health conditions, which includes but not limited to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood cholesterol.

Moreover; weight gain also stands as an imminent consequence of heart-damaging lifestyle and choices such as – unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and more.

Here’s an easy math for you to remember – people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or more are considered as obese. The term “obesity” is thus used to describe the typical health condition of anyone who is significantly above his healthy and ideal body weight.

According to the leading Heart surgeon in Kolkata, being obese puts you at a rather higher risk for health problems like

  • Stroke
  • Heart diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • diabetes and more

You need a goal and you also need some positive reasons to achieve that goal. Believe it or not; even losing a few pounds can provide you with cardiovascular benefits. This means; each step in the right direction is a step towards healthier living.

Remember; when your weight is in a healthy range your body will be able to circulate blood more efficiently. Your fluid levels then could be managed rather easily. With a healthy body weight you are thus less likely to develop heart disease and diabetes.

Let’s face the fact being obese can:

  • Raise your blood cholesterol levels
  • Raise your triglyceride levels
  • Lower “good” HDL cholesterol
  • Increase blood pressure
  • Induce diabetes

In certain cases diabetes makes other risk factors rather worse and can thus set the stage for future attacks. Honestly; being obese isn’t just a cosmetic problem as obesity to a great extent increase the risk of many health problems. Of course; obesity increases the risks for stroke, heart disease and respiratory problems

Overweight & Obesity Related health issues in Adults

Coronary Heart Disease: As your BMI increases so does the risk for coronary heart disease or more precisely CHD. It is typically a condition in which a waxy substance (plaque) builds up inside the coronary arteries. Keep in mind; these arteries are responsible for supplying oxygenated blood to your heart. Plaque deposition can narrow down or even can block the coronary arteries and thus can reduce the oxygenated blood flow to the heart muscle. This can cause a heart attack.

High Blood Pressure: For the uninitiated; blood pressure is typically the force of blood that pushes against the artery walls as soon as the blood pumps. If blood pressure rises and stays high continuously then it can damage the body in many ways. Needless to say; your chances of having high BP are much greater if you are obese or overweight.

Stroke: Yes; you read that right being obese or overweight can in fact lead to buildup of plaque in the artery walls. Eventually plaque can rupture and this may cause the blood clot to form. If in case the clot is near your brain then it can block the flow of oxygen and blood to your brain and thus set the stage for a stroke.

Type 2 Diabetes: Obesity may also lead to an increase in Type 2 diabetes. Needless to say; type 2 diabetes is also a leading cause of CHD, early death, stroke and kidney disease

Abnormal Blood Fats: It makes sense to mention here; if you are obese or overweight you are at increased risk of having abnormal levels of blood fats like triglycerides and LDL.

Here are a few significant questions for you to mull over –

Can weight loss improve your overall health?

The answer is a loud and clear YES. As already briefed; even just a modest weight loss can provide you with health benefits like; lower BP, lower level of insulin and improved cholesterol levels.

So; what’s the best way to lose weight?

Simply put; weight loss boils down to simple formula – burn more energy than your intake. Stick to an eating plan, which includes a whole range of varied foods and gives you enough nutrients and calories in meeting your body’s needs. Sticking to a healthy diet and sticking to a regular exercise regime is the best way to reach and maintain your optimal weight.

What are the risks for heart failure?

We never get tired of saying that heart failure is a serious but common condition. Heart failure typically develops when the heart muscle is overworked or damaged. Some of the contributory factors are

  • Obesity
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Heart attack
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Alcohol

So; why should you be active?

Being physically inactive increases the risk of your risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%. Without regular physical activity your body gradually loses its stamina, strength and its ability to function properly. A good goal for heart health is to get around 150 minutes of exercise per week. Begin with just 10 to 15 minutes of light exercise and then increase your time and difficulty level slowly. Taking a brisk walk is always a good way to start. Take a look at the Heart Friendly Exercises for Cardio Vascular Wellness. The heart specialist in Kolkata opines many health problems can be helped by sticking to a regular physical activity regime.

Where to start from?

It is never too late to start. This means ; everyone can be benefitted from moving more – irrespective of your age, sex, size and physical condition. Believe it or not; getting started is easier than you think. Here are few easy tips for you –

  • Start in small way and in small amounts
  • Find a physical activity that you enjoy the most
  • Ask your friend or family to join
  • Set realistic goal
  • Increase the physical activity amount gradually
  • Stick to a 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily

Stay in shape. Stay well

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