The question looms large – how much do you know about your heart’s health? Yes, it’s absolutely easy to be fooled by misconceptions. Possibly you think; heart disease only happens to the elderly or fried food loving people but do you know the truth? Heart disease can affect people of any age and can even affect people who eat right!
Relying on incorrect assumptions can be dangerous to your heart health. In order to boost your heart health its high time that you separate fact from fiction. Let’s bust the most common myths about cardiovascular disease. Let’s set the record straight.

#Myth 1: I am too young to worry to be affected by heart disease.
It’s the most common myth. The fact is; how you live, what you eat and the level of your stress and anxiety affects your risk for heart diseases. Here’s the hard fact – 1 in 3 has cardiovascular disease and not all of them are senior citizens. This means young and middle-aged people can develop heart problems along with obesity, type 2 diabetes and other risk factors
# Myth 2: I would know if I had high BP as there would be clear warning signs.
Here’s the fact – High BP is called the “silent killer” because you won’t be able to know if you have it. When left untreated, high Blood pressure can lead to heart attack, kidney damage, stroke and other serious health problems.
#Myth 3: Heart attack will cause chest pain.
Not necessarily. Although chest pain is a common symptom of heart attack but the fact is heart attack may cause subtle symptoms as well. In fact feeling lightheaded, shortness of breath, nausea, or pain in one or both arm etc. are some other subtle symptoms of heart attack
#Myth 4: Diabetes won’t threaten my heart.
Diabetes is dangerous if you leave it untreated. In fact; treating diabetes can help reduce your risk for cardiovascular diseases. It is also a fact that you can be still at risk even if your sugar levels are under control. This is because; the contributory risk factors for diabetes also make you more susceptible to cardiovascular disease.
#Myth 5: Heart disease runs in my family and there is no way I can prevent it.
Yes, people with the family history of heart disease are at higher risk however you can always take the necessary steps to reduce your risk of heart attack. So, get active, eat better, control your cholesterol level, manage blood pressure, maintain your weight, control blood sugar and stop smoking to prevent your risk for heart attack.
#Myth 6: Heart failure means that your heart has stopped beating.
Heart only stops beating in case of cardiac arrest. In case of heart failure the heart keeps working, but it doesn’t pump blood as well like a healthy heart
#Myth 7: I should not do any exercise after having a heart attack.
This is a wholly wrong notion. Get moving with a plan approved by a cardiologist in Kolkata. AHA – The American Heart Association recommends at least two and a half hours of moderate intensity physical activity every week for overall cardiovascular health. Having a heart attack also means that you need to make certain changes in your life and lifestyle. Here are steps to take after a heart attack to ensure complete recovery
Research shows that heart attack survivors who are regularly physically active and make other heart-healthy changes live longer than those who don’t. Ask the heart surgeon in Kolkata about any question that you may have. Your heart health is of vital importance and getting all the necessary information about the potential treatment for heart attack in Kolkata is of utmost necessary