Coronary Angioplasty and Stent Insertion in Kolkata – Overview and Beyond

Face this; your heart’s arteries can become narrowed and blocked with the buildup of cholesterol and other substances (plaque). Plaque buildup can reduce the blood flow to your heart and thus cause chest discomfort. Medically speaking; sometimes a blood clot can suddenly form or even get worse. Blood clot can completely block the blood flow, thus setting the perfect stage for a fatal heart attack. Treatment for coronary artery disease focuses on lowering the overall risk for heart attack

Coronary angioplasty as a treatment opens up the blocked arteries and restores normal blood flow to the heart muscle. No, it’s not a major surgery and is typically done by threading a catheter through a small puncture in the leg or arm artery to the heart. The blocked artery is then opened up by inflating a tiny balloon in it. Coronary angioplasty and stent insertion stands as a standard procedure in widening up the blocked and narrowed coronary arteries.



When coronary angioplasty is used?

Like all the organs in the body your heart also needs a constant supply of blood. This is supplied by the coronary arteries.

As briefed above often times the arteries become narrowed and hardened, which leads to coronary heart disease.
When the blood flow to the heart becomes restricted, it leads to chest pain (angina), which is further triggered by stress or physical activity.

Although angina can still be treated with medication, coronary angioplasty may be required in restoring the blood supply to the heart and in severe cases where medication is ineffective.

Coronary angioplasties are also often used as an emergency treatment after a heart attack.

What are the benefits of Coronary angioplasty and stent insertion in Kolkata?

Statistical data clearly reveals; blood flow through the arteries improves after an angioplasty. In fact in some cases patients also find their symptoms get significantly better after coronary angioplasty and stenting. If in case you have had a heart attack, an angioplasty can work better than the clot-busting medications and also increase your chances of surviving more. Coronary angioplasty can also reduce your chances of having another heart attack.

How is coronary angioplasty performed?

Coronary angioplasty is performed using local anaesthetic. This means; you’ll be awake while the procedure is carried out.

A thin catheter is inserted into one of your arteries through an in your arm or leg. The catheter is guided to the affected coronary artery using an X-ray video. Depending on the severity of your case the coronary angioplasty and stenting takes between 30 minutes and two hours.

How safe is Coronary angioplasty and stent insertion in Kolkata?

Angioplasty is less invasive and major complications following angioplasty are uncommon. Any procedure that involves placement of a catheter inside a blood vessel carries certain risks. Possible risks may vary in intensity depending on your medical complications and heart health. Complications may depend on other significant factors –

  • Your age
  • Your general health
  • Your heart health
  • Your history of heart attack

Consult a cardiologist in Kolkata and start taking medications to reduce your risk of a subsequent heart attack and help your damaged heart function better.

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