There’s something important you need to know about angioplasty – Your heart isn’t cured by this process rather your heart is simply mended. After angioplasty the next part of your treatment to a large extent depends on you.
For the uninitiated; angioplasty is typically the procedure of opening the heart artery which has been narrowed by the buildup of plaque. Angioplasty procedure can help in getting the blood flowing freely through the artery yet again.
Let us now understand things from the layman’s point of view. May be you have had a heart attack or maybe you have had the procedure for relieving chest pain. Either way, the cardiologist opens your arteries through this angioplasty process.
Once the artery is opened, blood can flow freely, delivering oxygen to the heart muscle. This further helps you breathe easily. You start feeling better.
But there’s something important you need to know about angioplasty – Your heart isn’t cured by this process. Your heart is simply mended.
The good news is, regular medication and lifestyle changes can help in reducing the risk of future heart attacks after you have angioplasty.
After angioplasty the next part of your treatment to a large extent depends on you. Here are a few important questions and answers to mull over –
How soon should I get back to my doctor after angioplasty?
Make an appointment with your doctor within another two weeks’ time after your procedure. If in case your doctor recommends you might have to visit early.
Is my diet important after the procedure?
You need to make adjustment to your lifestyle. Diet is one of those major areas where you need to make some changes. We recommend that you talk to your doctor about changing your diet. The idea is simple – to reduce your overall risk of having a heart attack or stroke in near future.
After my angioplasty, will I be able to do everything I want to do?
In general – YES. But it to a great extent depends on your heart condition, on your overall health and on another important factor – how sick you are. If in case you have had a heart attack, you might not be able to do things you may want to do right away. However you will feel much easy and much better after the procedure.
Here are a few things to stay away from after you have had angioplasty
Stop smoking: If you are still in the habit of smoking then now is the time to get serious about kicking off this bad habit.
Don’t ignore your diet: Face this; a stent in your heart doesn’t necessarily mean that you should keep on consuming greasy and fatty food. Minimize fat, cholesterol and sodium. Also; avoid trans fats and very low amount of saturated fats.
Don’t lead a sedentary lifestyle: You should devise a heart friendly exercise plan. You should not stay as a couch potato instead get moving and your heart will thank you for this.
Don’t skip medication: Don’t skip medication. If you need immediate medical treatment, call your doctor
Stay well