Keep in mind; you are at a huge risk for breathing problems if you suffer from stress, anxiety, allergies, or if you have some chronic heart or lung condition. Obesity on the other hand may also increase the risk of breathing difficulties. In fact; some specific type of physical exertion can even put you at a greater risk
The terms ‘breathlessness’, ‘shortness of breath or more precisely “breathing difficulty” typically describes the difficulties and discomforts when breathing. It’s a feeling of not being able to draw a complete breath. Shortness of breath is something which can develop gradually, or you may even experience a sudden onset of breathlessness. Simply put; breathlessness is something which makes you feel as if you can’t get enough air. It is a condition where the victim finds it difficult to breathe and is therefore compelled to breathe faster.
It makes sense to mention here; sudden breathlessness stands as one of the leading causes of rushing to the emergency room. Moreover; acute and serious breathlessness could be the symptom of lung and heart diseases.
What Causes Breathing Difficulties?
Shortness of breath may often occur due to some common health concerns or often due to some simple environmental issues. These may include; dust, allergies, pollen, mold, stress, anxiety, throat phlegm, physical exertion and more. Breathlessness may also happen due to a number of health issues. In fact; respiratory infection, chronic bronchitis, anemia, allergies and heart disease stands as some of the leading causes of breathlessness.
Although most of the episodes of shortness of breath are often not serious, but you should talk to your doctor if it starts without any obvious reason, if you feel breathless while at rest or if it keeps you awake at night.
Lung Conditions That May Cause Shortness of Breath
There are a whole range of lung conditions which may cause breathing difficulty. For instance; asthma which is typically an inflammation or narrowing of the airways of the lungs may also cause wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and breathlessness.
Pneumonia is yet another type of lung inflammation, which is caused by infection. The typical symptoms may include cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, chill, exhaustion and muscle pain. Yes; this can lead to life-threatening condition.
COPD or the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may also cause breathlessness or difficulty in exhaling. Other symptoms of COPD may include constant cough, wheezing, chest tightness.
Pulmonary embolism, which is another leading cause of breathlessness, is basically a blockage in the arteries, which may lead to the lungs. Needless to say; this condition can be life threatening and it requires medical attention. Other symptoms of pulmonary embolism may include chest pain, swelling of the leg, wheezing, cough, dizziness and abnormal heart rate.
Pulmonary hypertension may also cause breathless, which affects the lung and heart arteries. Hardening or narrowing of the lung arteries may cause this condition and the symptoms are somewhat similar to the symptoms of pulmonary embolism. This too requires immediate medical attention
Heart Conditions that may cause shortness of breath
It makes sense to mention here that if in case you suffer from heart conditions you may notice yourself getting out of breathe more often. This is because your heart will be struggling to pump oxygenated blood to your body.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is yet another heart disease, which causes hardening of the heart arteries may also cause shortness of breath. The typical symptoms include chest pain or heart attack.
Congenital heart disease may also cause shortness of breath. On the other hand; heart rhythm disorder may also cause breathlessness. Other heart conditions such as heart attack and heart failure may also lead to breathing difficulty
Who Is at Risk for breathlessness or shortness of breath?
Keep in mind; you are at a huge risk for breathing problems if you suffer from stress, anxiety, allergies, or if you have some chronic heart or lung condition. Obesity on the other hand may also increase the risk of breathing difficulties. In fact; some specific type of physical exertion can even put you at a greater risk
What Are the Symptoms of shortness of breath?
The typical symptom of breathing difficulty is the feeling that you simply can’t breathe in enough oxygen. Some of the specific symptoms may also include faster breathing rate, wheezing blue fingernails, blue mouth, gray complexion, flaring nostrils and head sweat.
Here are a few breathing exercises to manage shortness of breath.
Diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing: Deep breathing can help manage shortness of breath. This technique comes handy especially when you may have breathlessness due to COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Diaphragmatic breathing technique
Step 1: Lie on your back with the knees bent and with the head supported. Put one hand on your upper chest and another below your rib cage.
Step 2: Now try to breathe in slowly through your nose. Breathe in such a way so that your stomach moves out against your hand.
Step 3: Tighten your stomach muscles and let them fall inward as you exhale with your lips pursed.
Pursed-lip Breathing: This is yet another common breathing technique that helps manage shortness of breath. It slows down your breathing pace and helps restore normal breathing. Pursed lip breathing is also a great stress buster
Pursed-lip Breathing technique
Step 1: Relax the shoulder and neck muscles
Step 2: Breathe in for 2 seconds through the nose. Keep your mouth closed
Step 3: Breathe out for 4 seconds through pursed lips.
First aid Treatment for Shortness of breath
Step 1: Make sure that the patient remains calm and remains at rest. The reason for this is simple – more active the patient becomes, the greater amount of oxygen the patient starts using. Hence more intensified the breathlessness becomes.
Step 2: The next obvious step is to allow the patient to be in a comfortable position that is ideal for him. Ask him to sit on the edge of a seat with the head tilted forward with his hand’s support
Step 3: Look for improvement but if it does not improve the condition, make sure that you call for medical help. In the mean time ensure that the patient remains at rest.
Remain calm and contact a doctor when you experience breathing difficulty. Perform CPR if you know how to do so and also look for immediate medical help for anyone experiencing breathlessness.
During the first aid process for shortness of breath, you may also need to use supplemental oxygen. This is especially required for the individuals suffering from long-term lung diseases. Please note; the use of oxygen should be done as per the physician’s direction.
According to the heart surgeon in Kolkata, stop taking your heart health for granted. As already briefed there could be some underlying health condition for breathlessness. Quite ideally therefore; the treatment of shortness of breath to a great extent depends on establishing the underlying causes of breathlessness and on the means of dealing the root cause.
Take care!