Successful Treatment of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) with Multi Organ Failure.
Mrs. Kalpana Banerjee, a 54 years old female, a known diabetic and hypertensive was admitted in our Intensive Coronary Care Unit in a very critical condition with the clinical diagnosis of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) with Multi Organ Failure under Dr. Tarun Praharaj, Senior Consultant Cardiologist & Director Cardiac Catheterizaton Laboratory an 3rd February, 2004. ARDS, a dreaded lung disease occurs as a result of several different types of ailments like Septicemia, trauma, burn injuries, toxic gases, fumes., post opertion, malaria and has a high mortality rate. In best centres anywhere in the world the survival rate is only 20% – 30%, when multiple organs are involved like kidneys, liver etc. This patient developed pneumonia to start with and subsequently developed ARDS with liver and kidney involvement. She was on several life saving medicines and on ventilatory support (artificial breathing machine) for almost 3 weeks with no hope for survival. But gradually with intensive therapy, cordinated effort of a team of doctors consisting of Dr. Tarun Praharaj, Dr. R. K. Das, Dr. A Chakrabarty, Dr. S Ganguly, Dr. Tanuja De, Dr. P Roy, and nursing staff, the patient recovered and according to Dr. Praharaj this was one of the most challenging patient that we have treated with excellent recovery and it also proves the type of facilities we have in India to provide such treatment for this kind of dreaded lung disease.