Triglycerides are a type of fat in the bloodstream and fat tissue. Too much of this type of fat can contribute to the hardening and narrowing of your arteries. This puts you at risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Diseases such as diabetes, obesity, kidney failure or alcoholism can cause high triglycerides. Often, high triglycerides occur along with high levels of cholesterol, another type of fat.
Triglycerides are measured along with cholesterol as part of a blood test. Normal triglyceride levels are below 150. Levels above 200 are high. If your triglyceride level is high, you can lower it by
- Getting medical treatment for the problem causing the high triglycerides
- Following a healthy diet low in sugars and carbohydrates
- Exercising regularly
- Taking cholesterol-lowering medicines
Eat More Fiber
Eat whole grain breads, breakfast cereals, rice. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, baked beans.
Eat More Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Reduce your sugar intake – try fruits for deserts. Eat less salt.
Above all, remember that occasional treat will not do any harm.
It is the food that you eat regularly which is important.
Dietary Recommendations (WHO)
Total fat ( % energy ) | – | 15 to 30 % |
SAFA ( Saturated fat ) | – | 0 to 10 % |
PUFA ( Poly unsaturated ) | – | 3 to 7 % |
Cholesterol ( fat ) | – | < 300 mg / day |
Total Carbohydrate ( % energy) | – | 55 to 75 % |
Total dietary fibers | – | 27 to 40 gm / day |
Free Sugar | – | 0 to 10 gm / day |
Salt | – | < 6 gm / day |
Fruits | – | 400 gm / day |
Pulses, nuts & seeds | – | 30 gm / day |
Although most people are well aware of the association between cigarette smoking and lung cancer and other pulmonary disease, may still don’t realize that smoking is also major risk factor in heart attacks. If you do smoke then now is the time to give up. The good news is that the effect of giving up are dramatic. Within one year of giving up cigarettes, the risk of coronary artery disease is reduced. Smokers often ask whether low fat, low nicotine cigarette reduce the cardiovascular risk? The answer appears to be “NO”. In fact, some of the filter cigarettes increase the amount of carbon mono oxide that is inhaled, making them worse for heart that unfiltered brands.
the effect of giving up are dramatic. Within one year of giving up cigarettes, the risk of coronary artery disease is reduced. Smokers often ask whether low fat, low nicotine cigarette reduce the cardiovascular risk? The answer appears to be “NO”. In fact, some of the filter cigarettes increase the amount of carbon mono oxide that is inhaled, making them worse for heart that unfiltered brands.
Recently there have been several reports stating that the risk of Coronary artery disease is reduced by drinking small quantities of alcohol regularly. However, it is known that drinking large quantities of alcohol can increase the risk of Coronary artery disease. Heavy consumption of alcohol increases weight gain and blood pressure. If you are taking medication it is wise to check with your doctor that alcohol will not effect it. Avoid large amounts of alcohol in one sitting – the higher the concentration of alcohol in th blood, the more damaging to the body. It can contribute to high triglycerides, cancer and other diseases and produce irregular heart beats.
Exercise not only matter you look and feel better, it has positive benefits for your health. It improves circulation, help lower your blood pressure and improve blood cholesterol levels and make blood clots less likely to occur.
At first you may fell nervous about exercising and then is only natural. However, the heart is a muscle and like any other muscle need exercise to keep it in a good condition.
Initially exercise should be gentle. Then gradually increase the stronger and more confident you become. Get the whole family involved in a sensible and regular program of exercise. Exercise does not have to involve buying fancy equipment or joining expensive health clubs. It can be as simple as brisk walk for half an hour 3-5 times a week, regular swimming or doing the gardening. Remember, always discuss your exercise program with your doctors, as they will be able to advise you on the amount and type of exercise you should be taking.
A recent report from the Framingham Heart Study asserted that obesity should be considered a major cardiovascular risk factor in its own right, rather than are that contribute to other risk factors such as diabetes and hypertension ( High BP ), as has been the tendency in the past. It is important to keep your weight within the recommended range, Carrying excess weight increase the work of your heart. If you have a problem your doctor may suggest specialist help from a dietician.
Stress comes in many forms. Moving house, getting married, loss of job or illness, the death of spouse or child call all cause Stress. However, it is important to note that what is stressful to a person may be stimulating to another. It is not always the situation that makes you feel stressed, but the way you react to it. For example some people react to stress by tuning to cigarette or eating conventional foods rather than preparing healthier meals.
Whilst there is no medical evidence that stress causes heart disease, doctors believe that it can contribute in some way. What doctors do agree on, is that too much stress can be bad for you, particularly if you are recovering from an illness.
There is no easy way to beat stress and the suggestions given are just starting points to help you. What works for one person may not work for another, so just choose what you think might help.
Reducing The Effects of Stress
Many hospitals run a cardiac rehabilitation program and provide relaxation training. Many people find there techniques very helpful. You could also consider Yoga or medication. Some people relax by taking a brisk walk, reading a book or by listening to music.
Exercise is the great stress beater. Everyday activities can help you to keep fit, climb the stairs instead of taking the lift, walk instead of taking the bus. Make sure you choose an exercise that you enjoy.